Performances Optimization

Delivering fast and reliable applications is crucial for maintaining user satisfaction and staying ahead in a competitive market. A common challenge that can slow down your applications is the reliance on external API calls, which often introduce latency and reduce responsiveness. Additionally, applications that synchronize data from external sources can suffer from performance bottlenecks if not properly optimized.

HARP Proxy offers a suite of tools specifically designed to tackle these challenges. By optimizing resource usage, managing traffic flow, and minimizing the impact of slow external API calls, HARP Proxy can significantly speed up your applications. Moreover, it reduces the amount of code you need to write by handling many optimization tasks automatically, which in turn lowers development costs. This article will explore how HARP Proxy can be leveraged to boost the performance of your cloud applications by addressing these specific issues.

Ready to give HARP Proxy a try?

HARP Proxy is free and open-source, installing it usually takes under 5 minutes. For advanced features and support, check out our Enterprise Edition.

Understanding the Use Case

When your application relies on third-party services for critical functions or frequently synchronizes data from external systems, these dependencies can introduce significant delays. Every external call adds potential latency, leading to slower response times and a poor user experience. Writing optimizations, such as caching, prefetching, and handling asynchronous requests, is not only complex but also difficult to implement correctly. Mistakes in these areas can result in inefficiencies or even introduce new issues.

Moreover, managing these interactions efficiently often requires additional coding, which can increase development time and costs. Without proper optimization, the accumulation of these small delays can severely impact the overall performance of your application, especially under heavy load or when handling complex operations.

HARP Proxy addresses these challenges by providing built-in tools that streamline how your application interacts with external APIs and data sources. It optimizes the handling of these external calls, reduces latency, and manages traffic more effectively. By offloading much of this work to HARP Proxy, you not only improve performance but also reduce the amount of custom code required, saving both time and development costs.

Challenges and Solutions

  • Latency from External API Calls: Relying on external APIs can introduce significant latency, especially when these calls are slow or unreliable. This latency can accumulate, leading to slower application performance and frustrated users. HARP Proxy reduces the impact of this latency by caching responses from external APIs, minimizing the need to repeatedly fetch the same data. Additionally, HARP Proxy can prefetch data from these APIs, ensuring that your application has the information it needs before it’s requested, further reducing wait times.

  • Asynchronous Request Handling: Handling asynchronous API requests can be crucial for improving application performance, but implementing this manually can be complex and error-prone. Ensuring that requests don’t block each other, managing race conditions, and correctly retrieving responses can be challenging. HARP Proxy makes asynchronous request handling simple and efficient. By simply adding a header to your original request and enabling asynchronous mode, you can easily mark any request as asynchronous. This allows your application to continue processing while the request is being handled in the background. You can then retrieve the result whenever it’s needed, without worrying about blocking or timing issues. HARP Proxy manages the entire process, making asynchronous handling as straightforward as possible.

  • Caching and Prefetching: Implementing caching and prefetching can be tricky, with errors potentially leading to outdated data or wasted resources. HARP Proxy provides an RFC-9111 compliant cache by default, ensuring industry-standard performance. You can easily customize caching behavior using standard HTTP headers and rule-based filters. Additionally, HARP Proxy’s prefetching anticipates data needs, fetching and storing information before it’s requested, which reduces delays and enhances application responsiveness.

  • Increased Development Costs: Writing protocol or network-specific optimizations can be complex and is rarely of direct business value. Investing development resources in these areas often leads to a suboptimal implementation, diverting focus from features that truly matter to your users. HARP Proxy takes care of these technical optimizations with built-in, industry-standard tools for caching, prefetching, and asynchronous requests. By offloading these tasks to HARP Proxy, you avoid the risks of developing a less efficient custom solution, reduce development costs, and free your team to focus on delivering features that drive business value.


To optimize your application’s performance using HARP Proxy, here’s how you can configure it:

  • Fine-Tune Caching: HARP Proxy’s RFC-9111 compliant caching is enabled by default, reducing the need for repeated external API calls. You can fine-tune the caching behavior using standard HTTP headers and rule-based filters, allowing you to customize how data is cached and served according to your application’s specific needs.

  • Set Up Prefetching: While prefetching isn’t activated by default, it’s easy to set up in HARP Proxy. By configuring prefetching, you can ensure that data your application is likely to need is retrieved in advance. This reduces wait times and helps your application respond more quickly, even under heavy load.

  • Activate Asynchronous Requests: Asynchronous requests in HARP Proxy are straightforward to enable. Simply add a header to mark any request as asynchronous. This option allows your application to handle other tasks while waiting for external data, improving overall performance and responsiveness without requiring additional implementation.

By utilizing these features, HARP Proxy can significantly boost the performance of your cloud applications, ensuring faster and more reliable services for your users.

Ready to give HARP Proxy a try?

HARP Proxy is free and open-source, installing it usually takes under 5 minutes. For advanced features and support, check out our Enterprise Edition.

Benefits and Outcomes

  • Enhanced Application Speed: By leveraging HARP Proxy’s built-in caching and prefetching, your application can significantly reduce latency caused by external API calls. This results in faster response times and a smoother user experience, even during periods of high traffic.

  • Easy Asynchronous Handling: HARP Proxy allows you to activate asynchronous requests with a simple flag, enabling your application to handle tasks more efficiently. This feature enhances performance without requiring complex implementation.

  • Reduced Development Costs: HARP Proxy’s advanced optimizations eliminate the need for extensive custom code to manage caching, prefetching, and asynchronous requests. This not only lowers development costs but also frees your team to focus on features that directly impact your business.

  • Improved Resource Efficiency: HARP Proxy ensures that your application uses resources more efficiently by minimizing redundant API calls and preloading necessary data. This optimization helps your infrastructure run more smoothly, reducing the load on your servers and improving scalability.

Ready to give HARP Proxy a try?

HARP Proxy is free and open-source, installing it usually takes under 5 minutes. For advanced features and support, check out our Enterprise Edition.


HARP Proxy offers powerful tools to optimize your application's performance by streamlining caching, prefetching, and asynchronous requests. With minimal setup, you can reduce latency, improve resource efficiency, and lower development costs, ensuring faster and more reliable service for your users.